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El estrés de los adolescentes europeos es inversamente proporcional a la calidad de su dieta

Fuente : British Journal of Nutrition 108 (2) 371-380, julio 2012. Autor principal : Tineke De Vriendt. Centro : Universidad de Gante (Bélgica)

SINC | 24 septiembre 2012 13:34

Título: European adolescents' level of perceived stress is inversely related to their diet quality: the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence study


As stress is hypothesised to influence dietary behaviour, the relationship between perceived stress and diet quality in European adolescents was investigated. Within the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence study, adolescents (n 704, aged 12-17 years) from schools in five European cities (Ghent, Stockholm, Zaragoza, Athens and Vienna) completed a 2 d 24 h dietary recall assessment and an Adolescent Stress Questionnaire. Measurements and information were taken on height, weight, pubertal stage, parental education level, the level of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sleep duration. The Diet Quality Index for Adolescents (DQI-A) was calculated from the dietary data, which comprised three components reflecting dietary diversity, quality and equilibrium. Hierarchical linear models were performed to investigate the relationship between the adolescents' level of perceived stress and the DQI-A and its components, adjusting for relevant covariates (age, BMI z-score, pubertal stage and parental education). These models were additionally adjusted for MVPA or sleep duration. In both boys and girls, perceived stress was a significant independent negative predictor for their overall DQI-A. This inverse relationship was observed for all dietary components, except for dietary diversity in boys, and it was unaltered when additionally adjusted for MVPA or sleep duration. The observed inverse relationship between stress and diet quality within these European adolescents supports the hypothesis that stress influences dietary behaviour, thus emphasising the need for preventive stress-coping strategies for adolescents.

Autores: De Vriendt, T.; Clays, E.; Huybrechts, I.; De Bourdeaudhuij, I.; Moreno, L.A.; Patterson, E.; Molnar, D.; Mesana, M.I.; Beghin, L.; Widhalm, K.; Manios, Y.; De Henauw, S.


1. Universidad de Gante, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Salud Pública, B-9000 Gante (Bélgica)

2. Research Foundation Flanders, B-1000 Bruselas (Bélgica)

3. Universidad de Gante, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Ciencias del Deporte, B-9000 Gante (Bélgica)

4. Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Grupo de Investigación GENUD, E-50009 Zaragoza (España)

5. Instituto Karolinska, Departamento de Biociencia y Nutrición, SE-14157 Huddinge (Suecia)

6. Universidad de Pecs, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Pediatría, H-7623 Pecs (Hungría)

7. Universidad de Lille 2, Facultad de Medicina, IFR114, Inserm U955, F-59037 Lille (Francia)

8. CHRU Lille, CIC CH&U Inserm Lille 9301, F-59037 Lille (Francia)

9. Universidad de Viena, Departamento de Pediatría y Medician Adolescente, A-1090 Viena (Austria)

10. Universidad Harokopio, Departamento de Nutrición y Dietética, 17671, Atenas (Grecia)

11. Universidad de Gante, Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, B-9000 Gante (Bélgica)

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Zona geográfica: España
Fuente: SINC


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