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Periodistas Instituciones

Bridging European Science

Lund, Sweden

Bridging European Science is an event co-organized by the Society of Spanish researchers in Sweden and Denmark. The aim of this event is to boost the visibility of the Scandinavian science ecosystem exemplified by the Öresund bridge. Key actors in the Öresund region will talk in this unprecedented event. Furthermore, the event represents a unique opportunity to promote multi-lateral collaborations between different countries and networking among the different participants. Participants will have a snapshot of the scientific strengths of both countries, and of Spain as key science diplomacy ally in the region.

Fecha de inicio:
08:30 del 7 de octubre de 2016
Lugar de celebración:
Lund, Sweden
Entidad organizadora:
Asociaciones de Científicos Españoles en Suecia (ACES) y Dinamarca (CED)